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44# LED Strip Lights connector 10mm 5pin strip to strip
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44# LED Strip Lights connector 10mm 5pin strip to strip
Mini-Kristall-LED-Streifenverbinder – Streifen zu Streifen
IP20 Mini Crystal Serie
NEIN. | ART.-NR. | NEIN. | ART.-NR. | NEIN. | ART.-NR. | NEIN. | ART.-NR. |
1# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-B | 2# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-A | 3# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-C | 4# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-D |
5# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-5MM-B | 6# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-5MM-A | 7# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-5MM-C | 8# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-5MM-D |
9# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-B | 10# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-A | 11# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-C | 12# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-D |
13# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-8MM-B | 14# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-8MM-A | 15# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-8MM-C | 16# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-8MM-D |
17# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-8MM-B | 18# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-8MM-A | 19# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-8MM-C | 20# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-8MM-D |
21# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-B | 22# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-A | 23# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-C | 24# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-D |
25# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-B | 26# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-A | 27# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-C | 28# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-D |
29# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-B | 30# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-A | 31# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-C | 32# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-D |
33# | HR-S-COB-3PIN-10MM-B | 34# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-A | 35# | HR-S-COB-3PIN-10MM-C | 36# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-D |
37# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-B | 34# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-A | 38# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-C | 36# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-D |
39# | HR-S-SMD-4PIN-10MM-B | 40# | HR-S-SMD-4PIN-10MM-A | 41# | HR-S-SMD-4PIN-10MM-C | 42# | HR-S-SMD-4PIN-10MM-D |
43# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-B | 44# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-A | 45# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-C | 46# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-D |
47# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-B | 48# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-A | 49# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-C | 50# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-D |
51# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-B | 52# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-A | 53# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-C | 54# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-D |
55# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-B | 56# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-A | 57# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-C | 58# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-D |
59# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-B | 60# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-A | 61# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-C | 62# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-D |
63# | HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-B | 64# | HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-A | 65# | HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-C | 66# | HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-D |
67# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-B | 68# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-A | 69# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-C | 70# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-D |
115# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-E | 116# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-E |
Wasserdichte Serie
NEIN. | ART.-NR. | NEIN. | ART.-NR. | NEIN. | ART.-NR. |
71# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-8MM-B | 72# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-8MM-A | 73# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-8MM-C |
74# | HR-IP-SC-3PIN-8MM-B | 75# | HR-IP-SC-3PIN-8MM-A | 76# | HR-IP-SC-3PIN-8MM-C |
77# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-10MM-B | 78# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-10MM-A | 79# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-10MM-C |
80# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-10MM-B | 81# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-10MM-A | 82# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-10MM-C |
83# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-10MM-B | 84# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-10MM-A | 85# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-10MM-C |
86# | HR-IP-COB-3PIN-10MM-B | 87# | HR-IP-COB-4PIN-10MM-A | 88# | HR-IP-COB-3PIN-10MM-C |
89# | HR-IP-COB-4PIN-10MM-B | 87# | HR-IP-COB-4PIN-10MM-A | 90# | HR-IP-COB-4PIN-10MM-C |
91# | HR-IP-SMD-4PIN-10MM-B | 92# | HR-IP-SMD-4PIN-10MM-A | 93# | HR-IP-SMD-4PIN-10MM-C |
94# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-10MM-B | 95# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-10MM-A | 96# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-10MM-C |
97# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-12MM-B | 98# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-12MM-A | 99# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-12MM-C |
100# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-12MM-B | 101# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-12MM-A | 102# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-12MM-C |
103# | HR-IP-SC-4PIN-12MM-B | 104# | HR-IP-SC-4PIN-12MM-A | 105# | HR-IP-SC-4PIN-12MM-C |
106# | HR-IP-COB-5PIN-12MM-B | 107# | HR-IP-COB-5PIN-12MM-A | 108# | HR-IP-COB-5PIN-12MM-C |
109# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-12MM-B | 110# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-12MM-A | 111# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-12MM-C |
112# | HR-IP-SMD-6PIN-12MM-B | 113# | HR-IP-SMD-6PIN-12MM-A | 114# | HR-IP-SMD-6PIN-12MM-C |
Specification for Mini Crystal LED Strip Connector
Streifen zu Streifen Serie
Mini Crystal LED strip connector is a transparent PC material connector, mainly suitable for IP20 COB & SMD strip with matching pads. It has the characteristics of reliable connection, invisible seamless lighting, perfect solution for aluminum profile application, and DIY connection without stripping.
1. Namensregel
2. Artikelnr.
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 COB & SMD strips, 5mm width PCB, 2PIN single color
10# HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 COB & SMD strips, 8mm width PCB, 2PIN single color
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 8mm width PCB, 3PIN CCT color
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 8mm width PCB, 4PIN RGB color
22# HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 COB & SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 2PIN single color
26# HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 2PIN single color
30# HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 3PIN CCT color
30A# HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-A1
Strip-to-strip (High density), mainly suitable for Tunable CCT COB strips, 10mm width PCB (Suitable for 168LED/M)
34# HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for Tunable CCT and RGB COB strips, 10mm width PCB
40# HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 5PIN RGBW color
44# HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 2PIN single color
48# HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 3PIN CCT color
52# HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 COB & SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 4PIN RGB color
56# HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 5PIN RGBW color
60# HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 6PIN RGBCCT color
64# HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 COB strips, 12mm width PCB, 5PIN RGBW color
68# HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for IP20 SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 6PIN RGBCCT color
3. Produktvorteile
4. Unterrichtung
(Das Bild zeigt den 2-Pin-Betrieb, siehe hier. Der Betrieb von 3- bis 6-Pin-Produkten ist derselbe.)
- LED-Streifen vorbereiten
- Cut the led strip along the pad
- Push the strip into the connector from both sides
- The arrow shows the stop position, push it to this position in place
- Use pliers to clamp the terminal to the level of the plastic surface , the operation is unilateral operation, clamp one side and then operate the other side.
- Fertig
Remark: After pressing in, the contact terminal is allowed to be 0.15 MAX higher than the plastic plane.
5. Technical Parameters
5.1 Product parameters
- Rated Current: 6A Max
- Nennspannung: 5V/9V/12V/18V/24V/36V/48V
- Spannungsfestigkeit: 500 V
- Temperature resistance: 105?
- Arbeitstemperatur: -20? ~ +80?
- Salzsprühtest: neutraler Salzsprühnebel 24H
- Zulässige Luftfeuchtigkeit: 15%~90%
- Applicable strip specifications: IP20 SMD & COB strip
5.2 Yiford-Regeln für das Verlegen von Leiterplatten
?Stellen Sie vor dem Kauf von Steckverbindern sicher, dass der LED-Streifen die folgenden Verdrahtungsanforderungen erfüllt. Kundenbeschwerden aufgrund von Verdrahtungsproblemen der Leiterplatte werden nicht von der Garantie abgedeckt.?:
- Das Kupferfoliendesign Nr. 1 muss innerhalb dieses Bereichs in einer geraden Linie verlegt werden.
- Nr. 2 Schneiden Sie die Mittellinie durch;
- Nr. 3 Design des Mittenabstands aus Kupferfolie, die Mittensymmetrie mit der Außenbreite des Lichtstreifens beträgt maximal 0,2;
- Nr. 4 Lichtstreifen-Design, Dicke 0,30 Max
- Lampenperlen Nr. 5 erlauben die maximale Höhe, der Toleranzbereich beträgt ±0,2;
- Nr. 6 Gesamthöhe nach dem Aufkleben des Klebstoffs: 0,55 ± 0,1;
- Nr. 7 Mindestgröße der Lampenperlen-Auflageposition;
- Nr. 8 Gestalterische Anforderungen an die äußere Breite des Lichtbandes;
Alle Lampenperlen und die Außenbreite des Lampenstreifens haben eine Mittensymmetrie von 0,5 Max;
6. Produktgröße
COB 5mm Strip to Strip 2PIN?HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-A?
COB 8mm Strip to Strip 2PIN?HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-A?
10mm Series: Strip to Strip
Remark: There are 5 specifications in total, and the marked reference view is SMD/COB-2PIN. Other products are the same except for the number of PINs and some marked dimensions;
SMD 12mm Strip to Strip
Die markierte Ansicht ist der 5PIN-Benchmark, und der 6PIN ist bis auf die Anzahl der PINs identisch;