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Designs, use cases and ideas by Yiford Team

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Understand Yiford LED Channel Lights Materials easy.

Progetti di illuminazione

brand store case
Condivisione di casi di lighting design: negozio di marca

Il design dello spazio interno rompe l'approccio relativamente unificato dello spazio commerciale generale,
e combina le caratteristiche del sito per dividere naturalmente lo spazio in aree con caratteristiche diverse.
At the same time, track lights + linear lights have become the key lighting and basic lighting

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lights cooperate with space
Come far collaborare le luci LED con il tuo spazio

Residenza di lusso leggera, facile interpretazione del gusto squisito di un gentiluomo sotto l'illuminazione
La residenza di 105 metri quadrati è decorata con una combinazione di grigio e marrone per creare uno spazio domestico.
Under the embellishment of warm yellow lights, the texture and details can be seen without any reservation, and it is

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COB Light Strip Waterproof
Why LED flexible strip is the best material for DIY?

Table of Contents What is DIY? Many people have been bored about the same commodities in the market, and the same commodities could not satisfy their special demands. In such a situation, a new lifestyle appeared: DIY, i.e. ?Do It Yourself?.  People are looking for the best materials for DIY, For

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