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Uygulama Kontrollü 8 Çıkışlı Müzik Piksel LED Kontrol Cihazı

Stok Kodu YF-CT-SP602E Kategori

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Uygulama Kontrollü 8 Çıkışlı Müzik Piksel LED Kontrol Cihazı


App Controlled 4 Output Music Pixel LED Controller Features:

1. Supports both mobile APP and RF remote control;
2. App Controlled 4 Output Music Pixel LED Controller Support the output of 4 different lighting effects, suitable for a variety of occasions
to meet the different needs of customers;
3. Supports common single-wire LED driver ICs in the market ;
4. Build in music and non-music effects, multi-parameter adjustable;
5. Built in grouping control function, supporting any combination control of 4 channels;
6. Built in trigger function, supporting the customization of trigger effect parameters;
7. DC5V~24V wide range working voltage, preventing reverse connection of power supply;
8. Saving setting parameters automatically.

App Controlled 4 Output Music Pixel LED Controller App Functions:

SP602E supports control by mobile APP, supports IOS and Android system
Apple phone requires IOS 10.0 or higher, Android phone requires Android 4.4 or higher
You can scan the QR code to download and install the App.

App Controlled 4 Output Music Pixel LED Controller App Operations:

?Open the app and click the button in the top right corner of the home page to add a device, then click the device to enter the control page.

?User can rename the controller by clicking on button in the upper right corner.

?SP602E can output 4 way different signals, You can click channel 1~ channel 4 to enter the corresponding page for individual control, or click all channels for unified control.

?After adjusting the effect of each channel, click button in the upper right corner to save the current lighting effect settings to the scenes, SP602E supports a total of 9 scenes, users can call these 9 scenes through the scene page of the mobile app or use the RF remote control.

?Users can set up to five timing events by clicking on button in the upper right corner, please note that all timing events will be deleted when the controller is powered down.

?On the effects page, there are a variety of music and non-music effects, and users can set the speed, brightness, effect length and color for specific effects.

?On any single-channel page, click the upper right corner button to verify the color and copy the channel, and copy the effect of the current channel to any
other channel;

?On the trigger page, there are four triggers, and each trigger has preset effects and dynamic effects, Click the button of the trigger to switch between preset effect and custom effect, You can click any of the trigger area to enter the dynamic effect selection interface. Click the upper right corner button to confirm the selected effect, and the upper left corner button to cancel. Long press the trigger area to change the trigger name, trigger lasting time, trigger channel.

?On the grouping page, click the button in the lower right corner to add groups, select the channel associated with groups, and click OK to set the names of groups. The group page shows the added groups, and clicking in controls the effect mode of the channel associated with the group.

App Controlled 4 Output Music Pixel LED Controller RF Remote Functions:

ON/OFFLock/UnlockSpeed +Speed -Brightness+Brightness-Scene
9 Scenes
on offmatchSpeed Up 2Speed Down 2brightness upbrightness downauto1-9

Kablo bağlantısı?

connection SP602E

LED Controller List

No.ModelTanımImageGerilimAPPMusicRemoteButtonDAT/CLK/PWMOutputIC TypeMaxium Pixel
1SP002EMicro Simple 3 Buttons LED ControllerSP002E 2DC5V-24VNonNonNon3DATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC600
2SP103E14key Mini-RF RemoteSPE103E 2DC5V/DC12VNonNon14key RFNonDATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC2048
3SP104E17 tuşlu Mini RF Uzaktan KumandaSPE104EDC5V-24VNonNon17key RFNonDATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC2048
4SP105EBT App Controlled Pixel LED ControllerSP105EDC5V-24VAPP1NonNonNonCLK DATA GND1 Set TTLOne/Two Wire IC2048
5SP106ERF Remote Music LED ControllerSPE106EDC5V-12VNonOnboard Mic14key RFNonDATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC600
6SP107EBT App Controlled Music Pixel LED ControllerSPE107EDC5V-24VAPP2Onboard Mic/AUXNonNonCLK DATA GND1 Set TTLOne/Two Wire IC960
7SP108EWiFi App Controlled Pixel LED ControllerSPE108EDC5V-24VAPP2NonNon1CLK DATA GND1 Set TTLOne/Two Wire IC2048
8SP110EBT App Controlled Pixel LED ControllerSPE110EDC5V-24VAPP4NonNonNonCLK DATA GND1 Set TTLOne/Two Wire IC1024
9SP201EDMX512 DecoderSPE201EDC5V-24VNonNonNon3CLK DATA GND + 5*PWM1 Set TTL
+ 5*PWM
One/Two Wire IC
10SP511EIoT WiFi App Controlled Pixel LED ControllerSPE511EDC5V-24VAPP6Onboard Mic38key IF3DATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC900
11SP513EIoT WiFi App Controlled RGB LED ControllerSP513EDC5V-24VAPP6Onboard Mic38key IF3RGB3*PWMPWM/
12SP514EIoT WiFi App Controlled RGBW LED ControllerSP513EDC5V-24VAPP6Onboard Mic38key IF3RGBW4*PWMPWM/
13SP601EBT App Controlled 2 Output Music Pixel LED ControllerSPE601EDC5V-24VAPP5Onboard Mic16key RF32*DATA GND2 Set TTLOne Wire IC600*2
14SP602EUygulama Kontrollü 8 Çıkışlı Müzik Piksel LED Kontrol CihazıSPE602EDC5V-24VAPP5Onboard Mic/AUX16key RF34*DATA GND4 Set TTLOne Wire IC600*4
15SP608EBT App Controlled 8 Output Music Pixel LED ControllerSPE608EDC5V-24VAPP5Onboard Mic/AUX16key RFNon8*DATA GND8 Set TTLOne Wire IC600*8
16SP611EBT App Controlled Music Pixel LED ControllerSP611EDC5V-24VAPP5Onboard&Phone Mic
38key IF3DATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC600
17SP613EBT App Controlled Music RGB LED ControllerSP613EDC5V-24VAPP5Onboard&Phone Mic
18SP614EBT App Controlled Music RGBW LED ControllerSP613EDC5V-24VAPP5Onboard&Phone Mic
19SP616EBT App&AmbiBox Controlled Music Pixel LED ControllerSP616EDC5VAPP5Onboard&Phone Mic
Non3DATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC600
20SP617EBT App&AmbiBox Controlled Music Pixel RGBW LED ControllerSP617EDC5V-24VAPP5Onboard&Phone Mic
38key IF3DATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC600
21SP621EMini BT App Controlled Pixel LED ControllerSP621EDC5V-24VAPP5Phone Mic
NonNonDATA GND1 Set TTLOne Wire IC600
22SP623EMini BT App Controlled Music RGB LED ControllerSP623EDC5V-24VAPP5Phone Mic
23SP624EMini BT App Controlled Music RGBW LED ControllerSP623EDC5V-24VAPP5Phone Mic
24SP801EWiFi ArtNet LED ControllerSP801EDC5V-24VAPP5NonNon1CLK DATA GND4 Set TTLOne Wire IC1024*4
25SP901ETTL Signal AmplifierSPE901EDC5V-24VNonNonNonNonCLK DATA GND4 Set TTLDepends on inputDepends on input

Müşteri yorumu

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Peter Dickerson
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Bina Tasarımcısı
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Avrupa'da alışveriş merkezleri, iş showroomları için birçok proje yapıyoruz. Bazen projenin birçok kişiselleştirme ürününe ihtiyacı vardır. koçanı ledli şerit ışıklar ve ledli alüminyum profil gibi. farklı boyutlara, farklı watt değerlerine, farklı led aksesuarlarına ihtiyacınız var. Yiford profesyonel bir lider üreticisidir. Siparişlerime sabırla uyuyorlar. Soğutucu alüminyum, led alüminyum ekstrüzyon ürünleri, difüzör kapağı, uç kapakları ve led lineer ışık için montaj aksesuarları fark etmez. Bunu iyi yapabilirler.
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Michael Feron
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Uygulama Kontrollü 8 Çıkışlı Müzik Piksel LED Kontrol Cihazı