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Magasinez le système de canal LED en silicone Topeview/Sideview


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Magasinez le système de canal LED en silicone Topeview/Sideview

Please be noticed this is Only Silicone LED Tube, without led strips inside.

Silicone LED Channel System, designed to enhance your LED strip lighting experience. Made from high-quality silicone material, these LED Strip Light Covers are flexible and bendable, ensuring easy installation and customization for your project.

The standard length options include 50 meters, 100 meters, or 200 meters per roll, giving you the flexibility to cut them to any desired length. This allows for seamless integration into your indoor and outdoor lighting design. The thin flange design of the covers allows for recessed installation into projects, walls, or ceilings, providing a sleek and streamlined appearance.

Our silicone led channel system are available in various sizes to accommodate different LED strip widths, ranging from 3mm to 20mm. This ensures compatibility with a wide range of LED strips, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your specific lighting needs.

For optimal lighting performance, we recommend using COB LED Strips as the light source. This ensures a uniform and consistent illumination, without any visible light dots or dark areas. The result is a visually pleasing and seamless lighting effect.

One of the key advantages of our Silicone LED Channel System is its durability and suitability for outdoor use. It is designed to withstand wet, rainy, and harsh environments, making it ideal for outdoor lighting projects. Additionally, these covers provide protection against dust and dirt, keeping your LED strip lights clean and maintaining their performance over time. The smooth surface of the covers also makes them easy to wipe clean.

Poids ND
Surface Type

Topview, Sideview, With Fringe, Half Cover

Section size

10x10mm, 10x18mm, 10x20mm, 10x23mm, 11x5mm, 11x6mm, 12x12mm, 12x20mm, 12x25mm, 13x13mm, 13x5mm, 14x14mm, 15x10mm, 15x13mm, 15x25mm, 15x5mm, 16x16mm, 20x10mm, 20x14mm, 20x16mm, 20x18mm, 20x20mm, 25x17mm, 27x20mm, 30x20mm, 30x32mm, 40X15mm, 40x25mm, 4x10mm, 4x8mm, 50X15mm, 50x25mm, 6x12mm, 6x13mm, 6x16mm, 6x6mm, 70x30mm, 8x15mm, 8x16mm, 8x17mm, V22, 100x30mm

Largeur du circuit imprimé

, , , , , , , , ,

Beam angle

120°, 180°, 270°, 360°


20 meters per box, 50 meters per box, 100 meters per box, 200 meters per box, 400 meters per box

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Sideview Tube

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Magasinez le système de canal LED en silicone Topeview/Sideview