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110# LED Strips connector 12mm 5pin strip to strip
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110# LED Strips connector 12mm 5pin strip to strip
led strip lights connector
Řada Mini Crystal IP20
1# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-B | 2# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-A | 3# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-C | 4# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-5MM-D |
5# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-5MM-B | 6# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-5MM-A | 7# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-5MM-C | 8# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-5MM-D |
9# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-B | 10# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-A | 11# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-C | 12# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-D |
13# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-8MM-B | 14# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-8MM-A | 15# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-8MM-C | 16# | HR-S-SC-3PIN-8MM-D |
17# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-8MM-B | 18# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-8MM-A | 19# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-8MM-C | 20# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-8MM-D |
21# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-B | 22# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-A | 23# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-C | 24# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-10MM-D |
25# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-B | 26# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-A | 27# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-C | 28# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-10MM-D |
29# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-B | 30# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-A | 31# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-C | 32# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-10MM-D |
33# | HR-S-COB-3PIN-10MM-B | 34# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-A | 35# | HR-S-COB-3PIN-10MM-C | 36# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-D |
37# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-B | 34# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-A | 38# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-C | 36# | HR-S-COB-4PIN-10MM-D |
39# | HR-S-SMD-4PIN-10MM-B | 40# | HR-S-SMD-4PIN-10MM-A | 41# | HR-S-SMD-4PIN-10MM-C | 42# | HR-S-SMD-4PIN-10MM-D |
43# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-B | 44# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-A | 45# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-C | 46# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-10MM-D |
47# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-B | 48# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-A | 49# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-C | 50# | HR-S-SMD-2PIN-12MM-D |
51# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-B | 52# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-A | 53# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-C | 54# | HR-S-SMD-3PIN-12MM-D |
55# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-B | 56# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-A | 57# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-C | 58# | HR-S-SC-4PIN-12MM-D |
59# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-B | 60# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-A | 61# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-C | 62# | HR-S-SMD-5PIN-12MM-D |
63# | HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-B | 64# | HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-A | 65# | HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-C | 66# | HR-S-COB-5PIN-12MM-D |
67# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-B | 68# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-A | 69# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-C | 70# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-D |
115# | HR-S-SC-2PIN-8MM-E | 116# | HR-S-SMD-6PIN-12MM-E |
Vodotěsná řada
71# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-8MM-B | 72# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-8MM-A | 73# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-8MM-C |
74# | HR-IP-SC-3PIN-8MM-B | 75# | HR-IP-SC-3PIN-8MM-A | 76# | HR-IP-SC-3PIN-8MM-C |
77# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-10MM-B | 78# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-10MM-A | 79# | HR-IP-SC-2PIN-10MM-C |
80# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-10MM-B | 81# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-10MM-A | 82# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-10MM-C |
83# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-10MM-B | 84# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-10MM-A | 85# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-10MM-C |
86# | HR-IP-COB-3PIN-10MM-B | 87# | HR-IP-COB-4PIN-10MM-A | 88# | HR-IP-COB-3PIN-10MM-C |
89# | HR-IP-COB-4PIN-10MM-B | 87# | HR-IP-COB-4PIN-10MM-A | 90# | HR-IP-COB-4PIN-10MM-C |
91# | HR-IP-SMD-4PIN-10MM-B | 92# | HR-IP-SMD-4PIN-10MM-A | 93# | HR-IP-SMD-4PIN-10MM-C |
94# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-10MM-B | 95# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-10MM-A | 96# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-10MM-C |
97# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-12MM-B | 98# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-12MM-A | 99# | HR-IP-SMD-2PIN-12MM-C |
100# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-12MM-B | 101# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-12MM-A | 102# | HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-12MM-C |
103# | HR-IP-SC-4PIN-12MM-B | 104# | HR-IP-SC-4PIN-12MM-A | 105# | HR-IP-SC-4PIN-12MM-C |
106# | HR-IP-COB-5PIN-12MM-B | 107# | HR-IP-COB-5PIN-12MM-A | 108# | HR-IP-COB-5PIN-12MM-C |
109# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-12MM-B | 110# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-12MM-A | 111# | HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-12MM-C |
112# | HR-IP-SMD-6PIN-12MM-B | 113# | HR-IP-SMD-6PIN-12MM-A | 114# | HR-IP-SMD-6PIN-12MM-C |
Specification For Waterproof Puncture Version LED Strip Connector
Strip to Strip Série
Waterproof puncture series light strip connector is a transparent PC material connector, mainly suitable for casing waterproof led strip/full glue filling led strip/silicone extrusion led strip. It has the characteristics of easy installation, reliable connection, glue-free connection and reusability.
1. Pravidlo pojmenování
2. Položka č.
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof COB & SMD strips, 8mm width PCB, 2PIN single color
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof COB & SMD strips, 8mm width PCB, 3PIN CCT color
78# HR-IP-SC-2PIN-10MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof COB & SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 2PIN single color
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 2PIN SMD
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 3PIN single color
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof CCT & RGB COB strips, 10mm width PCB, 4PIN
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 4PIN SMD
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof SMD strips, 10mm width PCB, 5PIN SMD
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 2PIN SMD
101# HR-IP-SMD-3PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 3PIN CCT color
104# HR-IP-SC-4PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof COB & SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 4PIN RGB color
107# HR-IP-COB-5PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof COB strips, 12mm width PCB, 5PIN RGBW color
110# HR-IP-SMD-5PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 5PIN SMD
113# HR-IP-SMD-6PIN-12MM-A
Strip-to-strip, mainly suitable for waterproof SMD strips, 12mm width PCB, 6PIN SMD
3. Výhody produktu
COB Series
SMD Series
Vysoce transparentní PC materiál, dobrá propustnost světla.
Seamless connection, continuous light source uninterrupted.
Snap-fastened for easy installation and reusability.
4. Instrukce
(Obrázek ukazuje 2pinový provoz, viz tento Obsluha 3~6pinových produktů je stejná.)
- Připravte LED pásek
- Take the COB light strip 2PIN as an example, the middle of the exposed copper foil is cut and broken
- Push the led strip into the bottom of the transparent plastic core slot.
- The transparent rubber core is installed in the slots on both sides of the shell.
- The transparent rubber core with the led strip is pressed down until the two sides of the shell are buckled upside down to be qualified.
Note: The led strip should be pushed into the bottom of the transparent plastic core and then pressed and pierced for conduction. If it is not in place, it may not be connected.
- The other side is installed and pressed in the same way.
- Hotovo
Note: For SMD-5PIN and 6PIN products, due to the large number of PINs, the pressing force is large, and auxiliary tools can be used to clamp them (the clamping position should not be at the terminal position, but should be at the edge of the transparent plastic core).
- Hotovo
Note: The picture shows the operation of COB-2pin model, and the operation of COB&SMD 3~6pin products is the same as this method.
5. Description of technical parameters:
5.1 Technical requirements
Rated current: AWG20 6A Max, AWG22 4A Max
Jmenovité napětí: 5V/9V/12V/18V/24V/36V/48V
Odolné napětí: 500V
Temperature resistance: 80?
Pracovní teplota: -20? ~ +80?
Test solnou mlhou: neutrální solná mlha 24H
Přípustná vlhkost: 15%~90%
Applicable light strip specifications: bare board COB light strip, or bare board SMD light strip with PIN pin spacing adapted
5.2 Pravidla pokládání obvodů PCB Yiford
?Před zakoupením konektorů se prosím ujistěte, že LED pásek splňuje následující požadavky na zapojení. Na stížnosti zákazníků způsobené problémy se zapojením PCB se záruka nevztahuje.?:
- Design měděné fólie č. 1 musí být položen v přímce v tomto rozsahu;
- č.2 Vystřihněte střední čáru;
- No.3 měděná fólie středová vzdálenost provedení, středová symetrie s vnější šířkou světelného pásu je 0,2 Max;
- č.4 tloušťka provedení světelného pásu 0,30 Max
- Lampy č.5 umožňují maximální výšku, rozsah tolerance je ±0,2;
- č.6 celková výška po nalepení lepidla: 0,55±0,1;
- č. 7 Minimální velikost polohy pro položení korálků lampy;
- č. 8 Konstrukční požadavky na vnější šířku světelného pásu;
Všechny korálky lampy a vnější šířka lišty lampy mají středovou symetrii 0,5 Max;
6. Velikost produktu
8mm strip to strip 2PIN connector?HR-IP-SC-2PIN-8MM-A?
10mm Series connector
- The marked view is the SMD-4PIN benchmark, and other products have the same dimensions except for the number of PINs;
- Each product is equipped with 1 shell and 2 transparent plastic cores. According to the example of SMD-4PIN, other products are the same.
SMD 12mm strip to strip connector
- Poznámka: Označený pohled je 5PIN benchmark a 6PIN je stejný kromě počtu PINů;
- Each product has 1 shell with 2 transparent plastic cores, according to the SMD-5PIN example, the 6PIN products are the same.
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